When you checkout, an authorization for the full amount of your order is placed on your card to reserve funds if you choose to keep your items. An authorization is not the same as a charge in that our systems are strictly ensuring that the card that was provided at checkout is both valid and has the appropriate funds available to cover the cost of any items kept in the future.
Note: In some cases, if you use a debit card, you may see the authorization as a charge. This is dependent on how individual financial institutions process authorization requests.
Rest assured that if a refund is required at any point, even after a trial has ended, that refund will be processed. Refunds are processed back to the original form of payment at the time of checkout. Depending on your financial institution, the processing times for this can vary.
For more information about when you will be charged for your Trial please see our article on When will I be charged?
If this article did not fully address any questions that you may have please reach out to us at Shopprt-Support@TryNow.io and we will be happy to answer your questions as best we can.